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RedBorder Web Platform

Once the Manager installation process is completed, the user can access the RedBorder web platform by entering the management IP address assigned to the Manager in the browser's address bar.


Platform Access Screen

Platform Access Screen

Please note...

It is possible to log in to the platform using the default account: admin.


The management web will not work if attempted to be accessed through an unencrypted web (http).

Upon accessing RedBorder, the user is presented with a dashboard displaying various metrics and data about the status of sensors, domains, etc., or the location of sensors if configured.

This home screen is fully customizable. The user can create as many dashboards per profile as deemed necessary. (1)

  1. In the case of the Community version, the number of customizable dashboards is limited to one per user profile.

Manager Home Screen: Dashboard

Manager Home Screen: Dashboard

RedBorder Platform Interface Structure

RedBorder has a structure that is repeated in all RedBorder interfaces. Knowing these elements will help you navigate the web comfortably and easily. (1)

  1. The image corresponds to a RedBorder installation with Traffic, Intrusion, Vault, and Mobility Apps active. The structure will be the same for any RedBorder installation, except for the available applications in the top menu bar and whether they are active or not.

Let's see these parts:

Event Window Parts

  1. Menu Bar: Here you will find direct access to all sections of the RedBorder platform. It is subdivided into two areas according to functionality:

    1. Analytics Area (upper left corner): Here you will find all the data collected by the sensors displayed in different metrics and reports.
    2. Configuration Area (upper right corner): Configuration and management options for the Apps and RedBorder.
  2. Submenu: Shows the available options depending on the section we are consulting. Here we can see the configured filters, change the view we are in (Raw, Tops, Compare, Unique), among other options.

  3. Main Area: This is the content area. In this zone, data is displayed in different metrics and graphs. We can hover over the graph to see detailed information at that moment, and we can also select an area of the graph to zoom in and then filter within that time range of the graph.

  4. Summary: Below the graph, you will find a summary with the information displayed in the metric, providing total values and the percentage of visible data.

  5. Search Engine: Allows you to quickly search for any feature in the data table with the attribute being queried. You only need to enter the IP (you can use a regular expression), sensor, client, etc. that you want to query.

  6. Data Table: Provides details of the information displayed in the metric. Additionally, different actions can be performed per row. These actions depend on the module we are in.

Options included in the menu bar

Let's make a quick description of the options that can be found in the menu bar, both in the analysis and configuration areas. Functionality and configuration of these options will be analyzed in subsequent sections.

Analytics Area

Dashboard: Provides a summary of events received by a sensor, showing them in different metrics. This is the default screen displayed when accessing the RedBorder platform.



Events: Next, the user can view events whose information comes from sensors registered in their corresponding section. Later, each function and how these sensors are registered will be explained in detail. In the attached screenshot: Vault



Configuration Area

Search Engine: Facilitates locating elements/values of the platform according to the search entered by the user.

Sensors: Shows the list of added sensors and the organization tree. It also contains global and local policies for each domain.


List of Sensors

Tools: Provides a list of configuration options that are available for the administrator profile.


Options available in Tools

User: This section shows a list of notifications, as well as the different options available for user management, contextual information of the platform, and the secure logout button: Logout.


Options available in Administrator

Show Help: Activating this option will bring up a pop-up providing assistance during manager administration navigation. It is identified with a question mark symbol.
