Syslog Incident Logs¶
Redborder NDR can be configured to send incident-related information via Syslog. The supported format is RC5424. If you'd like to configure the Syslog integration, please refer to the integration section of the Redborder NDR documentation.
Basic Structure¶
The Syslog priority value, determined by the Syslog facility and severity. By default, it is set to LOCAL0
(16) for the facility and INFORMATIONAL
(6) for the severity.
The current version of Syslog: 1
The TIMESTAMP field is a formalized timestamp derived from RFC3339.
We use the ISO 8601 format, e.g.,2024-12-15T01:20:46.897Z
The local hostname of the Redborder NDR machine. For example: rb-w0cpi8fn1e.redborder.cluster
A fixed string: redborder-ndr
Indicates the source process ID. For example: 36081
Identifies the type of message. Currently, we support the following MSGID
: Sent when an incident is created.incident-update
: Sent when an incident's attributes are updated (e.g., a description change).incident-assignment
: Sent when a user is assigned to or removed from an incident.incident-intrusion-event
: Sent whenever a detection of typeintrusion event
is added to an incident.incident-vault-event
: Sent whenever a detection of typevault event
is added to an incident.incident-network-anomaly-event
: Sent whenever a detection of typenetwork anomaly event
is added to an incident.
Structured data provides a mechanism for expressing information in a well-defined, easily parseable, and interpretable format.
- incident-basic-info
- incident-details
- user-basic-info
- intrusion-event
- vault-event
- network-anomaly-event
Each structured data element has an SD-ID
that identifies its type and purpose. The SD-ID
consists of the concatenation of structured_data_type@PEN
(Private Enterprise Number) is a unique constant registered with IANA that represents the organization. Redborder NDR uses 39483
Example of an SD-ID
: incident-basic-info@39483
Structured-Data: incident-details¶
- incident-id: The ID of the incident.
- incident-uuid: The UUID of the incident.
- incident-uri: The URI of the incident.
- incident-domain: The domain of the incident.
- incident-name: The name of the incident.
- incident-priority: The priority of the incident.
- incident-source: The source of the first event that generated the incident.
- incident-status: The status of the incident.
- incident-description: A description of the incident.
- incident-assets: Escaped JSON containing the assets involved in the incident.
- incident-observables: Escaped JSON containing the observables of the incident.
[incident-details@39483 incident-id="5" incident-uuid="652f4c59-aa3e-4e44-b4a4-1c52ab622ebf" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" incident-name="Telegram API Interactions: Certificate Observed and IP Lookups to Suspected Domains (,," incident-priority="medium" incident-source="redBorder Intrusion" incident-status="New" incident-description="An incident involving multiple telemetry rules related to network requests has been detected. Rules indicate suspicious activity related to Telegram API, including certificate observations, domain ..." incident-assets="" incident-observables="[{\"mac_address\":\"00:00:00:00:00:00\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"51184\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"53\"}]"].
Structured-Data: incident-basic-info¶
Provides common information for all incidents.
- incident-id: The ID of the incident.
- incident-uuid: The UUID of the incident.
- incident-uri: The URI of the incident.
- incident-name: The name of the incident.
- incident-domain: The domain of the incident.
- incident-priority: The priority of the incident.
[incident-basic-info@39483 incident-id="4" incident-uuid="80a09435-f069-400d-8745-23fb93190f44" incident-uri="" incident-name="Suspected Win32/Lumma Stealer Activity: Multiple Blocked Domains in DNS Lookups and TLS SNI." incident-domain="root" incident-priority="medium"]"
Structured-Data: user-basic-info¶
Provides basic information about a user involved in an incident.
- user-login: The ID of the user.
- user-name: The name of the user.
- user-email: The email address of the user.
[user-basic-info@39483 user-login="john" user-name="John Smith" user-email=""]
Structured-Data: intrusion-event¶
Represents the detection of an intrusion event related to an incident.
- timestamp: Timestamp indicating when the event occurred.
- incident-uuid: Unique identifier of the associated incident.
- incident-uri: URI providing details about the incident.
- incident-domain: Domain associated with the incident.
- sensor-name: Name of the sensor that generated the event.
- sensor-uuid: Unique identifier of the sensor that originated the event.
- priority: Priority level of the intrusion event.
- message: Description of the event or its significance.
- assets: Assets detected or involved in the event.
- observables: Observable elements related to the event (e.g., IPs, ports, MAC addresses).
- classification: Categorization of the intrusion event type.
- src: Source IP address.
- dst: Destination IP address.
- src-port: Source port number.
- dst-port: Destination port number.
- src-mac-address: Source MAC address.
- dst-mac-address: Destination MAC address.
[intrusion-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T11:56:00.000Z" incident-uuid="201e3f61-17e0-4fd9-bf2d-fecf8e1a3a58" incident-uri="" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" sensor-name="rbips-s0rbg8nn" sensor-uuid="04231c06-da35-45f5-aa20-ab6658e194e8" priority="medium" message="ET INFO Suspicious GET To gate.php with no Referer" assets="" observables="[{\"mac_address\":\"08:00:27:b2:d5:aa\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"1058\"}, {\"mac_address\":\"0a:00:27:00:00:00\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"80\"}]" classification="Potentially Bad Traffic" src="" dst="" src-port="1058" dst-port="80" src-mac-address="08:00:27:b2:d5:aa" dst-mac-address="0a:00:27:00:00:00"]
Structured-Data: vault-event¶
The vault-event
structure encapsulates detailed information about specific alarmas configured within the system. Below is the breakdown of its components:
- timestamp: The timestamp marking when the original event occurred.
- incident-uuid: A unique identifier (UUID) for the incident.
- incident-uri: A URI providing a direct link to the incident's details.
- incident-domain: The domain associated with the incident.
- sensor-name: The name of the sensor that originated the event.
- sensor-uuid: A unique identifier (UUID) of the originating sensor.
- priority: The priority level of the event (e.g., notice, critical).
- message: A descriptive message summarizing the event.
- assets: Any assets detected or implicated in the event.
- observables: Observables (e.g., hostnames, IP addresses) identified during the event.
[vault-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T13:54:00.000Z" incident-uuid="9d661c32-442a-4455-a551-154cc4bb3c46" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="root" sensor-uuid="4803702189063327665" priority="notice" message="Alarm Cisco ISR high memory used fired because it exceeded the upper limit of 50% with 348983704.8% between 2024-12-27 13:49:02 +0000 and 2024-12-27 13:54:02 +0000 with conditions: sensor_name is ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"hostname\":\"rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}]"]
Structured-Data: network-anomaly-event¶
The network-anomaly-event
structure provides detailed information about detected anomalies in network traffic. Below is a description of its components:
- timestamp: The timestamp indicating when the event occurred.
- incident-uuid: A unique identifier (UUID) for the associated incident.
- incident-uri: A URI that links to more details about the incident.
- incident-domain: The domain under which the incident occurred.
- sensor-name: The name of the sensor that detected the anomaly.
- sensor-uuid: A unique identifier (UUID) for the sensor that detected the anomaly.
- priority: The priority level of the event (e.g., high, critical).
- message: A concise message summarizing the anomaly.
- assets: Assets associated with or implicated in the event.
- observables: Observables (e.g., IP addresses, hostnames) identified in the event.
[network-anomaly-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T14:30:00.000Z" incident-uuid="57df203a-901a-45e0-985a-39e154403ee5" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="ISR" sensor-uuid="3135af80-fe2e-461c-aa89-0ece0a9cdfa0" priority="high" message="Network Traffic Anomalies on sensor ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"ip\":\"\"}]"]
About incident-assets¶
This field, included in some data structures, provides a list of assets related to the incident in JSON format.
Each asset contains the following attributes:
- id: A unique identifier for the asset.
- name: The name of the asset.
- mac_address: The MAC address of the asset.
- type: The type of device.
- operating_system: The operating system of the asset.
incident-assets="[{\"id\":\"1787\", \"name\":\"DataForge\", \"mac_address\":\"20:e5:2a:b6:93:f1\", \"type\":\"Workstation Endpoint\", \"operating_system\":\"Microsoft Windows 11\"}]"
About incident-observables¶
This field contains a list of observables related to the incident, represented as JSON objects.
Each observable follows a "key": "value" structure, where the key indicates the type of observable and the value provides its corresponding detail.
Type of observables:
- mac_address: MAC Address.
- ip: Ip Address.
- port: Port.
- hostname: Hostname.
- domain: Domain.
- sha256: SHA-256 hash.
- file_path: File path.
incident-observables="[{\"mac_address\":\"00:08:02:1c:47:ae\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}]"
A summary of the message from the event or the action carried out.
Syslog messages can be classified based on the MSGID. Below is a representative example of each type of message.
Incident Create¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-26T13:55:45.232Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 352517 incident-create [incident-details@39483 incident-id="6" incident-uuid="f7ce202b-8de6-46ed-a10f-82b99d239d1e" incident-uri="" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" incident-name="Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity" incident-priority="high" incident-source="redBorder Intrusion" incident-status="Open" incident-description="" incident-assets="[{\"id\":\"1787\", \"name\":\"DataForge\", \"mac_address\":\"20:e5:2a:b6:93:f1\", \"type\":\"Workstation Endpoint\", \"operating_system\":\"Microsoft Windows 11\"}]" incident-observables="[{\"mac_address\":\"00:08:02:1c:47:ae\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"61051\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"443\"}, {\"mac_address\":\"00:00:00:00:00:00\"}, {\"port\":\"65341\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"53\"}, {\"port\":\"64635\"}, {\"port\":\"62677\"}, {\"port\":\"54289\"}, {\"port\":\"53881\"}, {\"port\":\"56519\"}, {\"port\":\"56289\"}, {\"port\":\"53033\"}]"] New incident: 'Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity' (Priority: high) (Domain: Aether Dynamics).
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-26T13:55:45.232Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 352517
$MSGID: incident-create
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [incident-details@39483 incident-id="6" incident-uuid="f7ce202b-8de6-46ed-a10f-82b99d239d1e" incident-uri="" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" incident-name="Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity" incident-priority="high" incident-source="redBorder Intrusion" incident-status="Open" incident-description="" incident-assets="[{\"id\":\"1787\", \"name\":\"DataForge\", \"mac_address\":\"20:e5:2a:b6:93:f1\", \"type\":\"Workstation Endpoint\", \"operating_system\":\"Microsoft Windows 11\"}]" incident-observables="[{\"mac_address\":\"00:08:02:1c:47:ae\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"61051\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"443\"}, {\"mac_address\":\"00:00:00:00:00:00\"}, {\"port\":\"65341\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"53\"}, {\"port\":\"64635\"}, {\"port\":\"62677\"}, {\"port\":\"54289\"}, {\"port\":\"53881\"}, {\"port\":\"56519\"}, {\"port\":\"56289\"}, {\"port\":\"53033\"}]"]
$MSG: New incident: 'Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity' (Priority: high) (Domain: Aether Dynamics).
Incident Update¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-26T15:31:30.603Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 648274 incident-update [incident-basic-info@39483 incident-id="9" incident-uuid="8c7bfb52-3619-47e0-b33c-7a3976b4ee21" incident-uri="" incident-name="Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" incident-priority="high"] Incident Attributes Updated: status="Incident Reported".
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-26T15:31:30.603Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 648274
$MSGID: incident-update
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [incident-basic-info@39483 incident-id="9" incident-uuid="8c7bfb52-3619-47e0-b33c-7a3976b4ee21" incident-uri="" incident-name="Suspected Blockchain API and Lumma Stealer CnC Domain Activity" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" incident-priority="high"]
$MSG: Incident Attributes Updated: status="Incident Reported".
Incident Assignment¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-26T15:45:00.786Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 722435 incident-assignment [incident-basic-info@39483 incident-id="5" incident-uuid="652f4c59-aa3e-4e44-b4a4-1c52ab622ebf" incident-uri="" incident-name="Telegram API Interactions: Certificate Observed and IP Lookups to Suspected Domains (,," incident-domain="root" incident-priority="medium"][user-basic-info@39483 user-login="john" user-name="John Smith" user-email=""] The user John Smith was added to the incident
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-26T15:45:00.786Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 722435
$MSGID: incident-assignment
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [incident-basic-info@39483 incident-id="5" incident-uuid="652f4c59-aa3e-4e44-b4a4-1c52ab622ebf" incident-uri="" incident-name="Telegram API Interactions: Certificate Observed and IP Lookups to Suspected Domains (,," incident-domain="root" incident-priority="medium"][user-basic-info@39483 user-login="john" user-name="John Smith" user-email=""]
$MSG: The user John Smith was added to the incident
Incident Intrusion Event¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-27T13:39:49.907Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 310052 incident-intrusion-event [intrusion-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T12:31:00.000Z" incident-uuid="540f114b-41fc-4d6b-bd9d-cd0180abeaf9" incident-uri="" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" sensor-name="rbips-s0rbg8nn" sensor-uuid="04231c06-da35-45f5-aa20-ab6658e194e8" priority="high" message="ET EXPLOIT ETERNALBLUE Exploit M2 MS17-010" assets="[{\"id\":\"1791\", \"name\":\"IronClad-09\", \"mac_address\":\"00:25:b3:f5:fa:74\", \"type\":\"Workstation Endpoint\", \"operating_system\":\"Microsoft Windows 10\"}]" observables="[{\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"49767\"}, {\"mac_address\":\"00:00:00:00:54:01\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"445\"}]" classification="Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain" src="" dst="" src-port="49767" dst-port="445" src-mac-address="00:25:b3:f5:fa:74" dst-mac-address="00:00:00:00:54:01"] New intrusion event: 'ET EXPLOIT ETERNALBLUE Exploit M2 MS17-010' (Priority: high). Associated incident: '540f114b-41fc-4d6b-bd9d-cd0180abeaf9' (Domain: Aether Dynamics).
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-27T13:39:49.907Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 310052
$MSGID: incident-intrusion-event
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [intrusion-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T12:31:00.000Z" incident-uuid="540f114b-41fc-4d6b-bd9d-cd0180abeaf9" incident-uri="" incident-domain="Aether Dynamics" sensor-name="rbips-s0rbg8nn" sensor-uuid="04231c06-da35-45f5-aa20-ab6658e194e8" priority="high" message="ET EXPLOIT ETERNALBLUE Exploit M2 MS17-010" assets="[{\"id\":\"1791\", \"name\":\"IronClad-09\", \"mac_address\":\"00:25:b3:f5:fa:74\", \"type\":\"Workstation Endpoint\", \"operating_system\":\"Microsoft Windows 10\"}]" observables="[{\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"49767\"}, {\"mac_address\":\"00:00:00:00:54:01\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}, {\"port\":\"445\"}]" classification="Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain" src="" dst="" src-port="49767" dst-port="445" src-mac-address="00:25:b3:f5:fa:74" dst-mac-address="00:00:00:00:54:01"]
$MSG: New intrusion event: 'ET EXPLOIT ETERNALBLUE Exploit M2 MS17-010' (Priority: high). Associated incident: '540f114b-41fc-4d6b-bd9d-cd0180abeaf9' (Domain: Aether Dynamics).
Incident vault Event¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-27T14:06:23.783Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 17506 incident-vault-event [vault-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T13:54:00.000Z" incident-uuid="9d661c32-442a-4455-a551-154cc4bb3c46" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="root" sensor-uuid="4803702189063327665" priority="notice" message="Alarm Cisco ISR high memory used fired because it exceeded the upper limit of 50% with 348983704.8% between 2024-12-27 13:49:02 +0000 and 2024-12-27 13:54:02 +0000 with conditions: sensor_name is ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"hostname\":\"rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}]"] New vault event: 'Alarm Cisco ISR high memory used fired because it exceeded the upper limit of 50% with 348983704.8% between 2024-12-27 13:49:02 +0000 and 2024-12-27 13:54:02 +0000 with conditions: sensor_name is ISR' (Priority: notice). Associated incident: '9d661c32-442a-4455-a551-154cc4bb3c46' (Domain: root).
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-27T14:06:23.783Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 17506
$MSGID: incident-vault-event
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [vault-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T13:54:00.000Z" incident-uuid="9d661c32-442a-4455-a551-154cc4bb3c46" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="root" sensor-uuid="4803702189063327665" priority="notice" message="Alarm Cisco ISR high memory used fired because it exceeded the upper limit of 50% with 348983704.8% between 2024-12-27 13:49:02 +0000 and 2024-12-27 13:54:02 +0000 with conditions: sensor_name is ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"hostname\":\"rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster\"}, {\"ip\":\"\"}]"]
$MSG: New vault event: 'Alarm Cisco ISR high memory used fired because it exceeded the upper limit of 50% with 348983704.8% between 2024-12-27 13:49:02 +0000 and 2024-12-27 13:54:02 +0000 with conditions: sensor_name is ISR' (Priority: notice). Associated incident: '9d661c32-442a-4455-a551-154cc4bb3c46' (Domain: root).
Incident Network Anomaly Event¶
Syslog Message:
<134>1 2024-12-27T14:56:45.843Z rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster redborder-ndr 461121 incident-network-anomaly-event [network-anomaly-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T14:30:00.000Z" incident-uuid="57df203a-901a-45e0-985a-39e154403ee5" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="ISR" sensor-uuid="3135af80-fe2e-461c-aa89-0ece0a9cdfa0" priority="high" message="Network Traffic Anomalies on sensor ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"ip\":\"\"}]"] New network anomaly event: 'Network Traffic Anomalies on sensor ISR' (Priority: high). Associated incident: '57df203a-901a-45e0-985a-39e154403ee5' (Domain: root).
$PRI: 134
$TIMESTAMP: 2024-12-27T14:56:45.843Z
$HOSTNAME: rb-a3hl3x8ocz.redborder.cluster
$APP-NAME: redborder-ndr
$PROCID: 461121
$MSGID: incident-network-anomaly-event
$STRUCTURED-DATA: [network-anomaly-event@39483 timestamp="2024-12-27T14:30:00.000Z" incident-uuid="57df203a-901a-45e0-985a-39e154403ee5" incident-uri="" incident-domain="root" sensor-name="ISR" sensor-uuid="3135af80-fe2e-461c-aa89-0ece0a9cdfa0" priority="high" message="Network Traffic Anomalies on sensor ISR" assets="" observables="[{\"ip\":\"\"}]"]
$MSG: New network anomaly event: 'Network Traffic Anomalies on sensor ISR' (Priority: high). Associated incident: '57df203a-901a-45e0-985a-39e154403ee5' (Domain: root).