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Installation on Linux

How to install Redborder Mananager on Linux systems.

Important things to know before installing:

  • This installation is non-reversible, cannot be directly uninstalled or rolled back.
  • The linux distribution supported at the moment is Rocky Linux 9 minimal.


Virtual machine or baremetal

The minimum requirements may vary depending on the node mode, these are the requirements for a full-mode node:

Component Specification
Operating System Rocky Linux 9 minimal
Memory 16 GB RAM
Storage 80 GB HDD space
CPU at least 4 CPU Cores or 4 vCPU
Network Interfaces at least 1 for single node or 2 to make a cluster of multiples nodes

Packages Installation

Install the supported operative system and run the following command as root:

Repositories installation
yum install epel-release
rpm -ivh
Install redborder-manager package
yum clean all
yum install redborder-manager -y

Respawn a new bash to reload the environment variables:

Bash reload
/bin/bash --login

Setup wizard

Start the installation wizard:

Installation wizard command
rbcli setup wizard

The very first screen is also guiding with the next steps.

Start wizard

Press Yes to continue.

Configuration Network (optional)

Press Yes to manually configure the network settings or press No to keep the actual system configuration.

Start Network Configuration

Select the network interface you want to manually configure.

Network Interface Configuration

Once all network interface configurations are complete, select Finalize to proceed to the next steps.

Network Device Mode

By selecting an interface and entering it, we are given the option to configure it with a static IP address or to function dynamically (with DHCP).

Network Interface Configuration

Network Configuration for a Network Interface

Enter the IP address, Netmask, and Gateway (leave the gateway blank if it's not needed, e.g., for the sync network interface):

Static Interface Configuration

Repeat process to configure Sync network interface.

DNS Configuration

Selecting management interface

The management interface is the one you will use to access the Redborder Manager.

Management Interface Selection

DNS Configuration (optional)

Press Yes if you want to configure the DNS.

DNS Configuration

You can enter up to three different DNS addresses.

DNS Configuration

Press OK to continue.

Hostname and domain name configuration

Modify the following values if you want to customize the hostname and domain name of the node or just press OK to keep the actual ones.

Hostname and Domain Configuration

Configure Cluster Service (Serf)

Redborder Manager has the ability to work in a distributed manner. Serf is a decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration that is lightweight, highly available, and fault-tolerant. Press OK to start the Serf configuration.

Start Serf Configuration

Sync Network configuration

Sync network is the network for all managers to sync among them. In case you are really installing a cluster just make sure to select other interface different from management.

Configure Sync Network and Interface

Communication cluster Mode

Select Unicast or Multicast for the Serf communications.

Configure Serf Mode

Secret encryption key

Provide a password for Serf. Remember to save this password securely, as you'll need it to add more nodes to the cluster.

Secret encryption key

Storage with Amazon S3 (Optional)

It is possible to use Amazon's remote storage service with S3.

Storage with Amazon s3y

External Database (Optional)

It is also possible to configure Redborder to use the Amazon RDS service or some other PostgreSQL database.

External Database

Set manager mode

Here, you can select the mode for the node you are installing. These modes affect how the nodes will be configured at the service level. If you are installing a single node or the first node (leader), select the full mode (default) and press OK to continue.

Set manager mode

Applying configuration

Confirm the wizard settings by pressing Yes.

Apply configuration

The system now will apply the configuration. Press Ok to exit the wizard.

Exit the wizard

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Redborder Manager.

Now the node will configure, this process may take several minutes depending on the mode and the hardware on which it is installed.

Once this process is completed, you will be able to access the Redborder Webui service by accesing via browser to https://<manager-management-ip>