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Installation on Linux

How to install Redborder Flowgate on Linux systems.

Important things to know before installing:

  • This installation is non-reversible, cannot be directly uninstalled or rolled back.
  • The linux distribution supported at the moment is Rocky Linux 9 minimal.
  • This sensor must be registered with a Redborder Manager, so ensure you have one available.


Virtual machine or baremetal

The requirements may vary depending on the volume of traffic to analyze. The following are the minimum requirements:

Component Specification
Operating System Rocky Linux 9 minimal
Memory 8 GB RAM
Storage 40 GB HDD space
CPU at least 4 CPU Cores or 4 vCPU
Network Interfaces at least 1 (management interface), add an extra one to export network traffic (span port)

Packages Installation

Install the supported operative system and run the following command as root:

Repositories installation
yum install epel-release
rpm -ivh
Install redborder-proxy package
yum clean all
yum install redborder-proxy -y

Respawn a new bash to reload the environment variables:

Bash reload
/bin/bash --login

Setup wizard

Start the installation wizard:

Installation wizard command
rbcli setup wizard

The first screen shows an index of the upcoming steps.

Starting the wizard

Press Yes to continue.

Configure Network

This step is optional. If you are sure that the network interfaces are already configured, you can skip this step. Otherwise, enter the configuration by pressing Yes.

Starting network configuration

Select the management interface.

Select interface mode

Select the interface configuration mode (static or DHCP)

Network interface configuration

If you select the static IP option, you will need to specify the IP, subnet mask, and default gateway:

Static interface configuration

DNS configuration

Press Yes to start the DNS configuration.

Starting DNS Configuration

You can add up to three different DNS servers:

DNS Configuration

Press OK to continue.

Cloud address configuration

Introduce the Redborder Manager IP address.

Configuration with remote server

Press OK to continue.

Confirm configuration

Press Yes to confirm the actual configuration.

Accept configuration

Applying configuration

Wait for the process to finish.

Applying Configuration

Press OK to return to exit the wizard.

What's Next?

Sign in to Redborder Manager and claim the new sensor from the Unclaimed sensor list.